It has been brought to our attention that the ORCA ESCs & HW (ETS) listed on the BRCA Electronic Recognition Board (ERB) are not capable of supporting the current rule limit (16.14.2) of 15,000 RPM, whilst it does support other RPM ranges.
As a reminder, the ERB list we now follow for rev limiting ESCs is NOT a specific list of FWD legal ESCs - it is a list usable for any series wishing to implement a controlled, BRCA checked rev limiting ESC, at a limit of their choosing.
The ESC’s capable of supporting the current ruleset are:
Hobbywing Justock G3 30112003 XR-4.1.11 Hobbywing Justock G3S 30112005 XR-4.03G3
Link & rules for reference.
16.14 Electronic Speed Control will be controlled and must be on the “BRCA Electronic Recognition Board" approved list. 16.14.2. The RPM limit is controlled by the ESC and must be set to 15,000 rpm. This will be randomly checked at any time during the event. Failure of using the correct RPM limit on the ESC when checked will result in all times on